Heat Sealers
Carded Packaging

15-RS Rotary Sealer
Designed for sealing conventional carded blister packs, medical or pharmaceutical packages utilizing Tyvek, foil, thin plastic, laminated film stock, etc.

15-CRS Automated Rotary Sealer Series
Automatic, rotary heat sealer designed for high volume production requirements. Contains three easily accessible product load stations and touch screen.

15-111 In-line Blister Sealer

15-DLX Shuttle Blister Sealer

15-ST Series

Model Z-812-P Table Top Clamshell Sealer
Automatic shuttle type heat sealer designed to seal clamshell blisters for low to medium volume production requirements. Used for clamshell packs, but can also be used for traditional blister pack applications.

15 T & 15 TO Blister Pack Sealers
Two station, shuttle type, Blister Pack heat sealers designed for low to medium production or prototyping. These systems are typically used for conventional carded blister packs but can also be used in medical and/or pharmaceutical applications.

Model 15 RS6 P

Model EZ-C Automatic Turn Table Blister Sealer
Designed for cellular or short run applications, a rigid steel platen with an aluminum hot plate provides up to 900 pounds seal force to consistently seal traditional blister packs in seconds.
Clamshell Packaging

15-CRS Automated Rotary Sealer Series
Automatic, rotary heat sealer designed for high volume production requirements. Contains three easily accessible product load stations and touch screen.

15-111 In-line Blister Sealer

EZB Blister Sealer

15-ST Series

Model 15 RS6 P

Model Z-812-P Table Top Clamshell Sealer
Automatic shuttle type heat sealer designed to seal clamshell blisters for low to medium volume production requirements. Used for clamshell packs, but can also be used for traditional blister pack applications.
Medical and Pharmaceutical Heat Sealers

15-RS Rotary Sealer
Designed for sealing conventional carded blister packs, medical or pharmaceutical packages utilizing Tyvek, foil, thin plastic, laminated film stock, etc.

15-CRS Automated Rotary Sealer Series
Automatic, rotary heat sealer designed for high volume production requirements. Contains three easily accessible product load stations and touch screen.

Z-Med Medical Sealer

EZB Blister Sealer

15-DLX Shuttle Blister Sealer

15-TM-Pharma Medical Sealer
Precision heat sealer designed specifically for exacting applications such as the medical device, clinical trial, pharmaceutical and related industries. Can be used for carded pill packs, clinical trial packaging, unit dose, foil lids, specialty films, conventional carded blister packs and custom sealing.

15-ST Series

Model 15-RS-LD Leak Detection Blister Sealer