Model EZ-C Automatic Turn Table Blister Sealer
The EZ-C is a two-station automatic turn-table blister sealer. Perfect for cellular or short run applications. Zed’s EZ-C may rotate automatically between cycles with load time to pace the operator, or manually – turning once the two hand start buttons are activated. A rigid steel platen with an aluminum hot plate provides up to 900 pounds seal force to consistently seal traditional blister packs in seconds. Tooling can be made from maple board, aluminum or polymer, with changeovers made in seconds. Materials such as blister cards, aluminum foils, Tyvek, thin plastic lid stock and clamshell blisters may be sealed. Typical applications for the machine are blister packs, food trays, unit portion packs, fold-over cards, pharmaceutical, hospital supply items and special seal applications.

- Low-cost, quick-change tooling
- Flat or relieved seal plate
- Minimal compressed air usage
- Small footprint
- Economical to purchase and operate