Skin Packers
Table-Top Skin Packers
Table-top skin packaging machines are small, compact machines designed for low-volume production or prototyping. They are typically used in smaller facilities, where space is limited. These machines are manually loaded and unloaded, ideal for small businesses or hobbyist.

Bench-top skin packer designed for low to medium production, where space and size are a consideration. It incorporates an energy saving heating system with instant on/off heaters. The Econo Skin is a complete self-contained machine, requiring connection to electrical supply only.
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Shuttle Skin Packers
Shuttle skin-packaging machines are larger and can handle higher production volumes. These machines have a shuttle that moves back and forth, shuttling the packaging from the loading area to the sealing area. Shuttle machines are suitable for larger products or higher production runs.

EZ-Skin/Trim Combo
This cost-efficient system allows for maximum productivity of high quality skin packaged items by a single operator. Combining the advantages of hydraulic die cutting with an easy-to-operate skin packer – both mounted to a single, space-saving frame.
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EZ-Skin Packer
Free standing skin packaging machine designed for applications that use 18″ x 24″ master cards. It incorporates a safe, energy efficient, instant on/off heater system with automatic cycle control.
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Inline Skin Packers
Inline machines are fully automated and can handle high production volumes. These machines are integrated into a production line, and are designed to be efficient and reduce labor costs, making them ideal for high-volume production runs.

Designed for high-volume skin packaging needs which can be met with an 18″ x 24″ skin area. Job memory makes set-up and operation easy for both experienced and new personnel. Automatic card feeder and template load options are available for increased productivity.
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36-S Skin Packer
Designed for the medium to higher volume skin packaging market, and for specialty skin packaging applications, such as parts that protrude through the card or extremely large products. Pre-heater increases cycle time and the outfeed eliminates handling of the finished packages.
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ZED SNT Skin-n-Trim
This machine is available in larger and custom sizes. It is the fastest and most efficient skin packer on the market anywhere in the world today.
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