Zed Model Z Pack 812 Food/Drug & Pharma Blister Sealer
The model Z PACK 812 is a table top heat sealer designed for low to medium production requirements, where space and size are a consideration. This unit is a single-sided, shuttle-type sealer which utilizes low cost, quick-change seal tools, and is typically used for standard carded blister applications, but can also be configured to seal Tyvek, foils, thin plastic and laminated film lid stocks.

Seal Area 8” x 12” maximum
Air Requirements 25-100 psi. (customer to supply)
Blister Depth 2” maximum
Electrical 110 Volts, 7 Amps
Seal Pressure 700 lbs @ 100 psi. - maximum
Weight 80 lbs., approx.
Seal Temperature 0 -550 degrees F. adjustable
Size 16-3/4”W x 20”D x 15”H, approx.
Seal Time 1 - 15 sec. timer, adjustable
Max. Force Rating 1050 @ 150 PSI